Why Be Anglican

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

How to interpret the Bible

According to JI Packer

There is more involved in witness to Christ than throwing pre-arranged clumps of text at unbelieving heads; the meaning and application of the gospel must be explained to men and women in their actual situation.
... Biblical terms and images (sin, justification, sacrifice, covenant, holiness, priest, blood, spirit for instance) are not self-explanatory; it is therefore our task as witnesses to Christ to seek out ways and means of making their meaning clear.

If you liked that, this next bit hits the nail on the head.
Not that we may alter or revise the gospel in order to make it more pallatable to the modern mind. That would be treachery to Christ. Our business is to present the Christian faith clothed in modern terms, not to propagate modern thought clothed in Christian terms. Our business is to interpret and criticise modern thought by the gospel, not vice versa.