More Thoughts on Denominationalism
The current scourge of the Anglican Church afflicts any worldly instrument of Christian unity from time to time.
As tends to happen, people who share the same gospel will differ in how to handle those who don't share the same gospel, and whose emphasis or theology relies on something other than the authority of God's revealed word.
Unfortunately, I cannot help but feel that the Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union is a suitable example for bible-believing Christians in Anglican churches. As a student group, their stand when dealing with the direction of the Student Christian Movement held a different scope to that required now, but the principles are the same almost a hundred years later.
I wish I knew of other examples, but aside from the general life and vitality of many independent churches (including one my sister attends) in non-metropolitain New South Wales, the feeling is that Cambridge as a well documented example, shows the way forward.
Human institutions should always be made for the service of God's people. God's people aren't made to serve the institution. Any efforts for more fluidity in the interactions between churches, encouraging interactions and gospel partnerships which are mutually beneficial should be directly encouraged.
Unfortunately, this may force people to abandon property, or to find themselves using a different name to describe their group. It may see a need to start new fellowships and denominational structures, or for a simple lessening of geographic controls. But in the end, these steps are necessary because of the need not to preserve a particular denomination, but for churches to proclaim the message of God's redeeming love for the lost both to their congregation and to the world.
Some will urge patience and diplomacy in many situations, but this needs to be moderated by a need to ensure that a degree of tolerance does not go too far, because at present every toleration of heresy has just led to another problem arising.
If that overarching aim is remembered, the personalities won't get in the way, and hopefully God's people can work to reach his world.
As tends to happen, people who share the same gospel will differ in how to handle those who don't share the same gospel, and whose emphasis or theology relies on something other than the authority of God's revealed word.
Unfortunately, I cannot help but feel that the Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union is a suitable example for bible-believing Christians in Anglican churches. As a student group, their stand when dealing with the direction of the Student Christian Movement held a different scope to that required now, but the principles are the same almost a hundred years later.
I wish I knew of other examples, but aside from the general life and vitality of many independent churches (including one my sister attends) in non-metropolitain New South Wales, the feeling is that Cambridge as a well documented example, shows the way forward.
Human institutions should always be made for the service of God's people. God's people aren't made to serve the institution. Any efforts for more fluidity in the interactions between churches, encouraging interactions and gospel partnerships which are mutually beneficial should be directly encouraged.
Unfortunately, this may force people to abandon property, or to find themselves using a different name to describe their group. It may see a need to start new fellowships and denominational structures, or for a simple lessening of geographic controls. But in the end, these steps are necessary because of the need not to preserve a particular denomination, but for churches to proclaim the message of God's redeeming love for the lost both to their congregation and to the world.
Some will urge patience and diplomacy in many situations, but this needs to be moderated by a need to ensure that a degree of tolerance does not go too far, because at present every toleration of heresy has just led to another problem arising.
If that overarching aim is remembered, the personalities won't get in the way, and hopefully God's people can work to reach his world.