The good effect of being in Sydney
Rev Dr Mark Thompson:
The President of the Anglican Church League in Sydney hits the nail on the head. The events in the US, often reported by an over-excited media here, are about Scripture.
I am just glad that in Sydney we can focus on more important things, like teaching people about the Jesus who died so we could be made right with God.
The Episcopal Church of the USA is an object lesson in what happens when our decision-making is not shaped by the teaching of Scripture. Unless we are informed about what God has to say on such matters as how men and women should serve each other in Christian congregations, human sexuality more generally, or the unique value and dignity of human life even prior to birth, we are left vulnerable to powerful rhetoric and the attitudes of the world at large, a world which stands opposed to the teaching of Scripture.
These debates are not going away. The ECUSA decision makes this very clear. We cannot expect them to stay at a safe distance either. Here is a powerful reminder that we need to prepare ourselves by searching the Scriptures and encouraging each other to think and talk as those who trust and rejoice in the word of the living God.
The President of the Anglican Church League in Sydney hits the nail on the head. The events in the US, often reported by an over-excited media here, are about Scripture.
I am just glad that in Sydney we can focus on more important things, like teaching people about the Jesus who died so we could be made right with God.